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External Partners

We partner with organizations to commit to a comprehensive support for people in need of nutritional guidance. Check out their promotional flyers to learn more about these partnerships.

ED Care

At One Bite Nutrition, we understand the intricate journey of individuals battling eating disorders (EDs). That’s why we’ve forged a close partnership with ED Care, a dedicated team committed to comprehensive support for those struggling with EDs. Together, we offer a holistic approach to recovery, blending nutritional expertise with specialized care.

Through our collaboration, we provide personalized nutrition plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and circumstances. Our compassionate team works hand-in-hand with ED Care professionals to ensure seamless integration of nutritional support into the broader treatment plan. We believe that combining our resources fosters a nurturing environment where patients feel understood, supported, and empowered on their path to recovery.

For valuable resources and information about eating disorders, we encourage you to explore the brochures provided by ED Care. Together, we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way towards renewed health and well-being.

ED Care - general brochure

ED Care - Kansas City location - flyer